I can tell Fall is really here because of all the trips to the doctor already.
October 09-10th, 2010...
It was Dad's 40th Birthday on Friday the 8th (HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE!!!!); we celebrated as a family on Saturday. Our good friends gave us a gift card for Red Robin and we decided to go for it with the kids because it's been awhile since the last Allison Family restaurant dinner...
Last week Jake got another horrible ear infection. He cries because his ear hurts and within the hour it's draining disgusting puss. By morning it looks like something out of an alien movie with ooze and stank coming out by the gallon. Sicko. He was prescribed Amoxicillin by the doctor.
>>Fast Forward 1 week (Oct 9th, Saturday night)>>
Red Robin dinner was great. Boys loved their balloons and color crayons and burgers and fries. John was so sweet practicing writing his name and Jake was happy to scribble.
After Dinner, friends came over to the house for drinks and that's when John started to complain of his ear--he told me it hurt earlier in the evening but he was ok for a little while--the pain came on strong and fast. I knew it would be a long night for all of us.
By 1am John was still crying and tossing and turning and yelling at me. "My ear! My ear! It hurts so bad! I can't believe you did this to me! Stop touching me! Stop talking to me! My ear!" John cried forever....then Jake started crying.
Jake could not stop itching and crying. By 3ish we were still not sleeping. Jake was itching and scratching. I gave him benedryl and tylenol. He seemed to get worse. Next hour I spread cortizone on him and that's when I noticed all the hives. Big, huge, red hard hives. Everywhere. So after another hour of all that cream and medicine not working, he peed in the bed. So we went to the couch for a little TV therapy...thank goodness for Charlie and Lola and Little Einsteins. After 3 shows, Jake fell asleep. I moved us back to the bed with lots of towels laid down on the pee-sheets. It seemed I just closed my eyes when John came in to wake me, as he had been sleeping with Mike in the boys' room. We went out to the living room to watch TV.
When Jake woke around 930am his hives and redness was horrible. He look diseased. My boys have had Fifths Disease, Hand Foot and Mouth Disease, allergic reactions rashes, and this was by far the worst rash I'd seen. It was everywhere: his ears were puffed up and swollen, his knuckles and ankles were swollen, he had red and purple splots on his face, body, and every crevass. He was so itchy and miserable. John was still crying over his painful ear infection.
So off to Urgent Care, for the second Sunday in a row...
Turns out, Jake is allergic to amoxicillin, just like John and me. So now he's on Zyrtec and Prednizone. John is taking medicine for his ear.
As we are leaving the pharmacy I said, "Happy Birthday, Dad!" Daddy got to spend his birthday money on medicine for the kids. He laughed and said that's probably how it'd always be and we might as well get used to it.
As we got home Jake said, "I wish I could be with my Grammy."