September 8th, 2010
What a big and long and great and emotional day it has been. This morning John woke up at 8:15; definitely sleeping-in for Johnny. Daddy was actually home, as he did not have to work til 9am. We told Johnny it was his first day of school with excitement and enthusiasm. John was nonchalant about it...didn't say much. At one point after I said, "This is such an awesome and exciting day!" John's reply was, "Ya ya ya, I KNOW, MOM!"
What a big and long and great and emotional day it has been. This morning John woke up at 8:15; definitely sleeping-in for Johnny. Daddy was actually home, as he did not have to work til 9am. We told Johnny it was his first day of school with excitement and enthusiasm. John was nonchalant about it...didn't say much. At one point after I said, "This is such an awesome and exciting day!" John's reply was, "Ya ya ya, I KNOW, MOM!"
First thing, John played his new Wii game: Batman The Brave and the Bold. His beloved Linda, (our awesome neighbor and friend,) gave this generous gift to him as an early birthday/being-a-big-boy-and-going-to-preschool-gift. After playing Wii for a bit, he took a long shower and then ate homemade French Toast (his favorite breakfast:) So far, so good.
After his Mike-style longer than needed shower, we styled his hair with Daddy's special "Axe" molding paste. Lol. It smells like men's cologne. We dressed him in his new-ish gray skinny jeans and a super cute shirt from Will...or could be from Carson. And I'm so sorry I can't remember from who. All I know is that it is darling and we are thankful for it.
After getting dressed, I told John it was time for his "big surprise." He was so happy and excited. He was filled with anticipation as I made him sit on the couch and wait while I retrieved it from my ultra-hiding place in the garage. I brought out two new backpacks. One Star Wars, one Batman. He had asked me for both when shopping at Target for school supplies-- surprising choices considering his Spiderman obsession. Although, Star Wars is almost the new N.O.O. (Number One Obsession.)
He was elated to see both backpacks--which are huge--and he chose the Star Wars bag right away--of course I knew this would happen because Darth Vader is on it. We love Darth Vader!!! I'm glad he chose this bag because I got it on clearance at Freddies:) Inside his Star Wars backpack was a special bonus gift. The bonus gift was inside the Star Wars bag because I knew he'd choose it over Batman. Also, because I am a genius mind-reader. The gift inside was a new tin Spiderman lunch box for his snacks he takes to school, (dollar spot at Target! SCORE!) Inside the lunch box were new spider man socks. John said, "Holy Moly I CANNOT believe this! I'm SO PROUD of you, Mom!" I told him that this was a very special day and he deserved special things. So after a few pictures and severe annoyance from John about that...he played a computer game while mom and Jake got ready for the day.
Around noon, we arrived at his school, Gymstars, took some pictures and waited for his teacher to have the classroom ready. After taking his shoes off, (that's what they do at his school--and what a awesome mom am I, that not knowing they hang out in their socks at school, I got him those special Spiderman socks?...told you: Genius mind reader.) and putting his lunch box and backpack in his cubby, we went into Teacher Laura's classroom. Right away John sat down at the table (and Jake did as well) and chose to pour water into cups. He could choose that or watercolors painting or pouring blue rice into cups. He thought he was having a tea party and served Jake a cup. They both drank it and told me it was coffee. Then teacher Laura told the boys it was just for pouring not for drinking. Haaha.
And now it gets a little sad...
When it was time to say goodbye, I leaned down to John's level and no-big-deal style said to Johnny that I would see him soon and to have lots of fun with his Teacher Laura and new friends. Immediately, Johnny burst into tears and full-out bawled his eyes out. Like going limp and the world is ending crying. Not a tantrum at all, more like he was so sad he couldn't function his limbs. I tried telling him I would always come back for him and that I would be back very soon. Right about then Teacher Laura told me to go. All the while she was telling him that Mommy would always come back to pick him up. She is very comforting.
I couldn't help but cry.
Jake was worried too. He said, "Mom, can I stay? Johnny's so sad, Mom." I told Jake it was his turn for special time with Mommy. We went to Target. Yay! Jake got to pick anything he wanted for a snack and a "prize." He chose Graham Cracker Scooby Snacks and a big blue ball. I told him I was getting Johnny a Darth Vader figure (Anahkin with the scar on his face and long hair--from Episode III--for a "you did great at school gift") I tried talking Jake into getting Obi-Wan Kenobi from Episode III so they could both have one--because I knew he would want it later...he was adamant that he didn't want it...And didn't want mighty beans, Spiderman on a jet ski boat thing, or bakugans. So the big blue ball it was.
Of course Jake pooped his diaper at Target (as ALWAYS) So we had to go home. I hate changing his diaper at the store. He fell asleep in the car ride home and I managed to take him out of the car, put him in his bed, and change his poopy diaper without him waking up. I had exactly 1 hr 30 min. to myself. (Insert sigh here.)
So I picked up the house, folded laundry, you know, the usual. Oh, and I ate a snack. I had to wake Jake up to get into the car at 2:55pm. When we arrived at school, the parents were waiting in the front-room-foyer-waiting-room area. A few minutes later, Teacher Laura came out to the the front room and announced that the kids had something special to show us...and whispered to us that they were all sitting in a circle in criss-cross-apple-sauce style. We slowly walk in following a couple of other parents, and as soon as Johnny saw my face, he lost it. He leaped up from his super awesome Indian-style sitting pose and simultaneously shouted, "Mama!!!" And ran to me with open arms instantly crying his eyes out. He was hugging me and crawling on me and saying over and over and over, "I love you so much mama. I love you so much." All the while the other 10 kids were sitting in perfect criss-cross-apple-sauce silently waiting for their parents to praise them. Everyone was watching.
So after a minute of hugging poor little Johnny, poor little tender-hearted Johnny, and telling him how proud I was of him, I told him to give Jakey a hug. He embraced Jake and told Jake over and over and over and over how much he loved him. Jake loved it. At the same time Jake looked a little maybe he was thinking, "Geez what did they do to you at this school, make you read all day?"
So we head out to the car and John is still emotional. I told him I had a prize for him. When I gave him Darth Vader he smiled and said how happy he was. Phew.
The next words outta John's mouth were, "I want pizza." And the next words outta Jake's mouth were, "I WANT OBI WAN!" (genius mind-reader)
Darth Vader Backpack!
Spiderman Lunch Box
New Socks!!
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