Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Mighty Beanz Challenge

If you know us well, you know sleep has ALWAYS been an issue in our house. Our biggest issue. Johnny has been "co-sleeping" (I hate that term--co-sleeping--makes it sound so technical) Anyways, he's been sleeping in my bed since he was born. We had a few months here or there over the years where he has slept in his crib as a baby, and in his bed as a toddler...for a while he slept with Mike while I was nursing Jake...and yada yada yada yackidy shmackity. Jake always was a better sleeper than John, but it's not like he was sleeping through the night...ever.

John and Jake are almost 5 1/2 and almost 4 years old and they are finally sleeping in their own beds! They've been doing this for a few months but it is still an on-going struggle for them to stay in their beds for the whole night. So, I decided to use the prize method once again, because it has worked so well in the past.

This time it's "The Mighty Beanz Challenge" The boys received Mighty Beanz for Christmas from Santa as well as the cases to store them in. The beans are these little jumping beans to collect and trade. There are themes so of course John has a Darth Vader case, and Jake has the Iron Man case. They have Marvel heroes beans, Star Wars beans, regular funny guy Mighty Beanz, and so on. If they spend the entire night in their own bed, in the morning they choose a Mighty Bean for their case. When the case is 1/2 full (21 beans) they get to take a trip to the toy store to buy a new toy! They are sooo excited to do this! Other than super special occasions, like holidays, the boys don't get squat, so they are ready for retail therapy as much as I am!!

So far, Jake has stayed in his bed for 4 nights in a row!!! And for about 12 hours each time! This is big news at our house.
...John on the other hand, has 2/4 nights. This morning he was so disappointed that he didn't make it the whole night so we made a new deal...
If John stays in his bed until 5am, he will receive a Mighty Bean.

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